Rolle der Gefäßzellen bei Organfibrose

23.01.2024 Doktorarbeit experimentell


Wichtig: Die Beschreibung der Stelle ist auf Englisch, da die übergeordnete Lab-Sprache (in Gruppen-Meetings etc.) Englisch ist. Verfassen der Arbeit, regelmäßige Feedbacks und individuelle Absprachen können auf Deutsch erfolgen. Eine konkrete Arbeitshypothese und enger gefasste Fragestellung werden zu Beginn der Tätigkeit anhand des jeweiligen übergeordneten Projektstands und den persönliches Interessen des/der Kandidaten/in aufgestellt.


Our group is interested in the identification of potential new targets as well as mechanisms involved in the progression of organ fibrosis, dysfunction and failure with special regard (but not limited) to the heart (

Focus of this project is the vasculature and how it drives fibrotic disease. The hands-on work will be carried out in cultured cells, tissue slices and (dependent on your personal interest) transgene animals. You will utilize differential cell culturing strategies (mono- vs. co-culture, tube formation assays, etc.), pre-clinical models (e.g., myocardial infarction, hypertensive metabolic disease, aortic stenosis) and established analytical methods (echocardiography, histologic, protein, and RNA analytical approaches, and many more). If desired, we support training courses for in vivo experiments to enable you to perform these independently. Lab experience is welcome but you will be taught intensively in all techniques in our lab until independent work.

Our lab is expert in biomedical analytical methods such as histology/immunofluorescence, Western blotting, qPCR and more specialized methods like several sequencing methods (“OMICS”). Moreover, we are outstanding in experimental animal approaches which is reflected in several collaborations inside and outside the HD/MA environment. Within the MaReCum, we teach Physiology modules in the first two years of studying. If interested, the candidate can be part of the core facility “Cardiac Imaging Center” ( Even though extensive experimental animal work by the candidate is not necessarily required, willingness to work with animal samples and handle animals (mice) is inevitable.

You will experience regular feedback and have a regular contact person. We offer a strong focus to personal scientific development like project planning, presentation skills and data consolidation. We also support the application for MD Fellowships (1034€/month) by intra- or extramural stipends (Promotionsstipendium der medizinischen Fakultät Manheim, CRC MD stipend, DGK MD stipend, DZHK MD stipend, etc.).

What we want:
- Motivated students with strong interest in science
- Willingness to learn and establish new techniques
- Willingness to work for one year in full time
- Willingness to handle experimental animals

What we offer:
- Full integration into a young and dynamic team
- Training in-state-of-the-art molecular and cell biology techniques
- Close mentoring and supervision
- Option to do a training course for in vivo experiments (including learning ultrasound techniques in mice)
- Support for application for stipends and scholarships
- Defined subproject

If you are interested, please contact Dr. Felix A. Trogisch:


Betreuerin / Betreuer

Dr. Felix A. Trogisch

Doktormutter / Doktorvater

Prof. Dr. Jörg Heineke


European Center for Angioscience Medizin, Biologie, Pharmazie

Für Studierende der Fächer ...

Medizin, Biologie, Pharmazie



Abschluss / Akademischer Grad

Dr. med., Dr. sc. hum.

Start der Arbeit


Voraussichtliche Dauer in Monaten


Ungefährer Arbeitsaufwand

12 Monate Vollzeit

Version: ed8cb17